Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday to my heart!

I had THE BEST day with this little girl.

Wish daddy could have joined, but he was tied up with work.  So the two of us set out to have a very special birthday day, complete with balloons and picnics in the park...all of her favorite foods...playing in the pool and of course ending the day with Birthday cake once daddy came home!

How does time pass so quickly? She was our tiny babe like...a moment ago...and now...she is this toddler who talks non-stop, loves to sing songs like "You are my Sunshine," "Do Re Mi" and "Happy Birthday"...insists on holding the dog leash when we take walks...runs to give me kisses anytime she hears me say ouch, even if it's all the way from the other side of the house (because---of course, kisses are what makes boo boos better).  She has already learned the art of stalling (before bedtime especially), bartering ("How about just one more piece of cheese?") and so many other tricks I have lost count.

I have to say I adore this phase. Toddlers can be tough as hell at times...but geez do they know how to grab hold of your heart in a way that you just cannot possibly prepare for!  Happy Birthday sweet girl.  Daddy and I love you to the moon and back.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Celebrating Mama

Chicago Maternity Photographer

It's now been enough weeks since our session that this mama has welcomed her beautiful baby girl to the world, and they are now a sweet family of 5!  But Jamie made for such a gorgeous pregnant lady (and these were taken in her very final weeks!!) --- that I just had to share a couple with the world.

Stay tuned for a peak at some of the images of her sweet baby girl!