Tuesday, July 19, 2011

♧ Lucky Number 7 ♧

Bolingbrook Newborn Photographer
Meet Ryan Patrick...an Irish lad born 7.7.2011 weighing in at 7 lbs., 7oz!  Fun right?!  Ryan was a whopping 10 days old for this shoot...he was such a champ!  I don't think they come any cuter than this....♥♥♥♥ this baby boy!!!

His big sister Hannah was quite a trooper as well!  Up until very recently Hannah was the 'baby' in the family.  Crazy that she now looks so big compared to her little brother!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Julia Failey Jewelry

I recently spent the morning shooting Mara, who was modeling some of Julia Failey's latest work.  As you will see...Julia has some absolutely stunning pieces! And I'm in good company in thinking so...her celebrity clients include Cindy Crawford, Kate Bosworth, Vanessa Minnillo and Rachel Zoe.  And loads of great press...her designs have been featured in Lucky Magazine, Real Simple, VOGUE Japan & US Weekly, as well as The Today Show. 

What I love love love about her work, is that she uses reclaimed metals to reduce environmental impact.  I urge you to check out her website www.juliafailey.com!  I'm majorly in love with the Lotus Pendant in Rose, and plan to make it a part of my own jewelry collection very soon!!