Saturday, January 29, 2011


HELLO! Welcome to my blog.  My New Year's resolution was to get over the paralysis I've been experiencing trying to make a decision between who to use for my hosting...etc.  There are so many decisions!  I have been mentally willing myself to this point since last summer.  I told myself that over the holidays...when things tend to die down a bit---that I would GET THIS ALL UP AND RUNNING.  Well, the holidays came and went...I am not typically one to make New Year's resolutions.  I feel as if you are setting yourself up for failure by making something as innocent as a goal---this big declaration.  For someone like me---that added pressure simply does not manifest itself in a positive way!  So, here we are fast approaching February and I'm only now sitting down.

I digress...

Every bridge I cross in life will take me to a new ground...

So I'm finally crossing over the bridge into blog-land.  So many of you out there are already experts at this, so I'm just throwing out there that I welcome any and all feedback!  I thought I might start by looking back at some of last year's sessions...So here goes...