Sunday, March 18, 2012

Marry the Knight


I shot an amazing wedding a few weeks ago.  Maureen and Tyler tied the knot on February 25th at one of the prettiest church's downtown Chicago has to offer...Fourth Presbyterian on Michigan Avenue.  After, guests enjoyed a night of dinner and dancing at the Knickerbocker Hotel.  These two have a love story that started over a decade ago, and watching their day unfold was so incredibly special!  Complete with surprises around every corner (think a choreographed dance routine to Lady Gaga's "Marry the Night"...which became "Marry the Knight" that evening---a nod to Tyler's last name...and even a surprise Harley Davidson motorcycle wedding gift!), this wedding was a true celebration and I was thrilled to be a part.  So Maureen & Tyler...thank you for including me and congratulations!!!